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Now living in l'Olleria, south of Valencia

Saturday 19 November 2011


One of our neighbour's pine trees had died, due to an infestation of beetles of some sort. He often said that he wanted to cut it down, but had waited until burning season before doing so. (We are not allowed to have any fires in July, August or September, unless we get special permission from the authorities.)

Ed had recommended that the tree be felled into our garden, so that it didn't fall on their house, or into their pool! It was certainly tall enough to do some serious damage. Ed and Jordi (the neighbour) took down some of the fancing, then fixed a strap between 2 of our trees, to guide theirs into a safe spot. Ed strapped the tree to the digger to pull it in the right direction, while Jordi did the cutting. What fun to watch. Jordi was terrified - he had never felled such a tall tree, and Ed was chilled out, as it wasn't his tree, nor his house! As usual, all went well, and the tree was soon down and out.

The pair of them worked well together, removing up the brash and making everything safe. Two more to go, but it was late in the evening, so it was agreed to leave them for the next day. Jordi said it would be ok for Max and Paddy to run around in his garden overnight, but Ed was worried about the pool and the chickens, so they put the fence back. Good move...

Next morning, the fence came down again, then I heard shouting and a commotion. Max had managed to get into the chicken run, and all of the chickens were now running around, being chased by Max, Paddy, Ed, Jordi and little Julian. I watched from a window crying with laughter as they all raced around the garden. Then, Max managed to get a chicken cornered, and bit it. A flurry of feathers, and lots of squawking, but he let it go. Finally, Ed managed to grab him. (Max that is, not the chicken.) He dragged both dogs back into our garden, and I locked them safely in the house. The poor chicken meanwhile, was returned to the run, along with the others.

Within a short time, the 2 remaining trees were felled and the fence re-instated. As soon as Max and Paddy were let out of the house, they raced to get back to the chickens. Max did his best to get under the fence, but everyone had made sure it was secure. Jordi left at lunchtime, so Ed sliced up his logs, enabling us to take down the remaining trees of ours that were too close to their house.

For those that are concerned, the chicken lived to lay another day.

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