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Now living in l'Olleria, south of Valencia

Sunday 29 July 2012

Up in Flames

Last year, there was a very bad forest fire on the way to Gandida. We could actually see the flames from here, even though it was about 15 miles away.

Sadly, this year, there has been another one in almost the same place. This time, it was on the other side of the main road, and a little nearer to here. This fire surrounded a small village, but then crept over the top of the hill, and towards some other villages.

It is a terrible time for everyone. Those that live there, those that need to go past, and people like us, who watch from a safe distance, but wonder if/when it will be our turn.

About 20 years ago, La Gaveta (the woodland area where we wlak the dogs) went up in flames, and everyone had to get out. Since then, (about 8 years ago) there has also been another fire nearby, when this area had to be evacuated. Everyone here thinks that we are now in great danger of a fire, as we are one of the few forrested areas around that hasn't been burnt for some time. A scarey thought.

Thankfully, we now have no big trees near the front of the house, although the 2 at the back could catch fire if the wind was right. This last week, we have heard the forestry commisssion working somewhere above us. We went to investigate on Friday, and they have been taking down trees that were overhanging the road that leads to the Port (the old road into the village, before the tunnels were built).

We already know what to do, should anything happen... take your animals and gas bottles, and leave everything else behind! Hopefully it won't come to that. Last night, we had a very heavy rainfall, which should have dampened the undergrowth. It was the first rain in months, so was much needed. Needless to say, it rained after Ed had watered the plants!

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